Understanding Python the Learning Process: Your View is Unique

A Journal Entry:

Learning something new can be a difficult task. There are so many books, blogs, and resources to choose from. The task is made even more difficult when you consider your own learning needs; your view is unique.

When you pick up a book or view a web page you begin to learn. This is true. However, not everybody learns in the same way. So, I decided to follow my own set of rules to learning Python.

I like to read; I like the relaxed nature of reading. So, my main resource is going to be a book; knowing what you like is part of the learning process, and can be an advantage. 

However, with the ever changing influence of social media, and the internet it is even more important to choose the right resource for your needs, and stick with it; in the long-term it will favour you, and cut out any possible confusion.

The book I have chosen is: Python Programming for teens, by Kenneth A. Lambert, 2015. The book, in computer terms, is old. The Python language version being used in the book is 3.3.4. The actual current Python version, as I write, is 3.12.4. Quite a significant leap forward. Since my initial purchase, from a charity shop, I have attempted to find, and acquire a newer version of the book, but have been unsuccessful. So, I have decided to stick with the book, and learn the concepts of Python within its pages.